I love the amazing ideas featured in this site. What a great help when we did some home improvements! Thanks IdeasToLove Team! 🙂
I was really amazed when I saw several do-it-yourself stuffs in this site. In fact, I made some and sold those to my friends. I may be putting a business for amazing crafts and I will get some more pretty ideas from this site. IdeasToLove.com is really a big help to me and to my family. Thanks Ideas to Love Team! 😀
Bunk beds! Kids love them and envy those lucky enough to have one. They’re fun, space-saving and, as you can see here, a lot of fun. Poorly designed bunk beds can be outright dangerous but most countries now have mandatory standards.
Of course, it usually falls to a parent to face the challenge of making up that top bunk. A great option is to use either sleeping bags or sheets sewn down one side to make a sleeping ‘pocket’. If you’ve got an even better solution, let us know and we’ll share it here. Just click on the “Contact Us’ link in the top menu.
Click the numbers below the advertisement to see the other amazing photos. 😀
Top 30 Most Beautiful Bunk Beds
Top 30 Most Beautiful Bunk Beds
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