Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp

Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp


Spread the Lovely Idea :)
Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp - Step 8
Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp – Step 8

Once the balloon has been complete wrapped with as much thread as you like (our small, less dense globes used around 150 yards of thread while our larger more denser globes used around 300 yards of thread), take out the slip knot that you previously tied and blow the balloon up as much as you can.  Big cheeks and diaphragm everyone!

The balloon has a tendency to shrink as the fabric stiffener dries, so we want to fill it up as much as possible to keep things from getting wrinkly and sagging over the 24-hour drying process.

Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp - Step 9
Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp – Step 9
Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp - Step 10
Super Amazing String Pendant Lamp – Step 10

Dry the wrapped balloon for 24 hours in a temperature stable environment.  I placed some garbage bags down in my bathtub to protect against drips and hung the globes from some extra crochet thread.

Click [7] below the advertisement for the next step. 😀


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