I LOVE getting organized!!
If I had my way I’d pick one thing to organize every day, because it really makes me super happy!
At the beginning of each year, I especially love to get things back in order after a very busy and crazy holiday season. Fortunately, my husband had caught the organizing bug too and together we’ve been doing a lot of cleaning and de-junking. It always feels so great getting rid of things and putting things back in order. I know it can be overwhelming at times and usually you end up a bigger mess than you started with when organizing, but I promise it does get better. To make it not so overwhelming I always suggest to my friends to pick 1-2 “areas” or items each week. Focus on those and don’t move on to another project until those are done. Keep doing this until you’ve organized all the areas you want. We’ve already done the Master bedroom and most of the Master closet. Those were our projects last week. Once we have those done, we’re hoping to tackle the kitchen next. And let me tell you, when you have completed an area it feels great!!! We’ve already put together a HUGE pile of things to sell at a garage sale, and my husband is especially excited to get rid of some “un-needed” items. ????
To help inspire you to get a little organized this year, I’ve put together a great list of Home Organization Ideas to help out. Hopefully, they give you some ideas of what to do in your own home…
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